Religion and Spirituality

Catholic presences in Transylvania, Moldova and Wallachia (1601 - 1698)

Lucian Periş

Catholic presences in Transylvania, Moldova and Wallachia (1601 - 1698)

63.00 Lei 79.00 Lei


The book Prezențe catolice în Transilvania, Moldova și Țara Românească (1601-1698) is a publicistic emblem for Lucian Periș, although almost two decades have passed since the first..

Witnesses to true life. New sermons on saints

Joseph Ratzinger

Witnesses to true life. New sermons on saints

35.00 Lei


Witnesses to true life. New sermons on saints..

A deeper vision

Robert Royal

A deeper vision

75.00 Lei


A deeper vision. Catholic intellectual tradition in the 20th centuryA comprehensive guide to the recent past and the future..

At the heart of the mystery of redemption

Hans Urs von Balthasar

At the heart of the mystery of redemption

25.00 Lei


The Kingdom of God preached by Jesus through parables

Lucian Dîncă

The Kingdom of God preached by Jesus through parables

65.00 Lei

The Kingdom of God preached by Jesus through parables. Patristic commentaries on the Savior's parables..

Looking at the pierced one - Coming soon

Joseph Ratzinger

Looking at the pierced one - Coming soon

25.00 Lei

Looking at the pierced one - The perspective of a spiritual Christology..

Coming home: The difficult rebirth of the Greek-Catholic parish of Ardud in 1998

Pr. Vasile Goje

Coming home: The difficult rebirth of the Greek-Catholic parish of Ardud in 1998

49.00 Lei

Coming home: The difficult rebirth of the Greek-Catholic parish of Ardud in 1998..

Pastoral care of the sick. Theological, sacramental and spiritual aspects

Aurelian Băcilă

Pastoral care of the sick. Theological, sacramental and spiritual aspects

34.00 Lei

Pastoral care of the sick. Theological, sacramental and spiritual aspects..

Mission of the prophets

Adrienne von Speyr

Mission of the prophets

29.00 Lei

Mission of the prophets..

A bewildered man. The Christian in today's society

A bewildered man. The Christian in today's society

25.00 Lei


The Fall of Lucifer

Andrei Alexa

The Fall of Lucifer

49.00 Lei


In the sunlight. Three Essays on Christian Joy

In the sunlight. Three Essays on Christian Joy

29.00 Lei

„Bucuraţi-vă pururea”. Cu aceste cuvinte, Pavel pare să le ceară cititorilor săi o sarcină imposibilă. Dar Pavel nu este un om nechibzuit. El știe câte cev..

Showing 1 to 12 of 226 (19 Pages)