The Praises at the Burial of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Ebook)
60.00 Lei
The Praises at the Burial of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Ebook)..
The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for Two Voices (Ebook)
60.00 Lei
The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for Two Voices (Ebook)..
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for mixed choir (Ebook)
60.00 Lei
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for mixed choir (Ebook)..
Psalm 136, At the River of Babylon, a cappella mixed choir (Ebook)
60.00 Lei
Psalm 136, At the River of Babylon, a cappella mixed choir (Ebook)..
The Infinite God (Ebook)
10.00 Lei
The Infinite God opens a new collection from Galaxia Gutenberg, the Adrienne von Speyr collection. Adrienne von Speyr offers us here a small treaty on dogmatics, but not an or..
Arguing Religion (Ebook)
16.00 Lei
Arguing Religion: A Bishop Speaks at Facebook and GoogleThis book is a slightly extended version of the talks I gave at Facebook and Google..
The vibrant paradoxes of Catholicism (Ebook)
36.00 Lei
„Dacă v-ați dorit vreodată să împărtășiți și altora vreuna dintre minunatele meditații asupra creștinismului avându-l ca autor pe Episcopul Robert Barron, dar nu v-ați amintit unde..
Spirit of the Liturgy (Ebook)
39.00 Lei
"Cartea lui Joseph Ratzinger nu este un comentariu al rânduielii liturghiei din ritul romano-catolic, ci o analiză a acelui spirit care însufleţeşte orice liturghie creştină înte..